What do I fill my bean bag with?
Normally bean bags are filled with small foam balls called “Expanded Polystyrene” beans or “EPS” for short. They are easily accessible, although they are known to be a horrible product to deal with due to their mischievous ability to float away!

We recommend using expanded polystyrene due to their unique qualities
- They are fairly low in cost
- They’re lightweight, which makes your bean bag light and manoeuvrable
- Being round in shape means they can move around inside your bean bag to create a soft and comfy bean bag for you to relax and sink into
- They hold their shape to outlast most other fillings
- Your bean bag can last for years if filled correctly and looked after
When purchasing EPS Beans in Australia, they contain a fire-retardant additive that means they are non-flammable
What else can I use?
Recycled clothes or Bed sheets
There are also other options when filling your bean bag, you could decide to use fabric. Recycle old clothes or bed sheets and use them as filling. You may require a large amount to adequately fill your bean bag to a nice cosy, comfy level. The downside is that fabrics do compact over time and they also have more weight per volume compared to EPS beans.
Another option is Foam. This could be in the form of a foam mattress cut up into pieces to form the shape of your bean bag. You could also purchase foam offcuts and use in the same manner. If you decide on this option, consider the cost versus EPS beans and decide for yourself which is best suited to you.
What should I know before I fill my bean bag and purchase bean filling?
Amount of filling you need!
You’ll need to know a couple of things. First thing is check the label on your bean bag.
On it you will find the style of bean bag you have purchased, along with the approximate filling volume of your bean bag in litres.
This is the approximate litres of EPS beans you will need to fill your bean bag.
Keep in mind that this is a middle firmness approximate, if you like a less firm bean bag you will need to go below this figure. If you like more firmness then you can go slightly above this amount.
Whichever way you go start below in litres and work up to the higher quantity.
Example, if your style of bean bag says 300 litres, start at 200 litres then check and test your bean bags firmness before you fill any further.
It’s easy to put more beans in than it is to take them out. Trust us we’ve done it!!
Getting your filling home so you can use it.
Please think about how you will get your full bags of beans/filling home when purchasing. They’re awkward, big and bulky so they can take up more space than you think, if your vehicle isn't large then you may not be able to fit it in.
It may take a couple of trips if you need more than a couple of bags at a time.
You could also consider that places like big department stores offer delivery for a fee, and you could get beans delivered by them right to your door.
Where can I purchase EPS beans to fill my new bean bag?
Option 1
Here at Boutique Bean Bags, we recommend sourcing your beans from major stores such as Big W, Kmart or Target.
Each of these stores sell them in large 100 litre bags for a reasonable price (approx $11 per bag).
The bonus of this for you is that it makes it so much easier to work out how many bags of beans you will need as for all of our range we have the amount in litres you need.
You’ll also find that all of these stores have numerous locations so finding one close to you will make the task of getting beans that much simpler.
Option 2
There is also the option of getting EPS beans from your local Spotlight store. Spotlight sell EPS beans by weight in 500-gram bags for usually the same price as other store ($12).
In our experience we’ve found these beans are firmer and the beans are a smaller diameter in size when compared to other beans sold by the litre. Because of this we found that you get less beans for the money so filling your bean bag will most likely cost you more unfortunately.
Just a fact we want to share with our customers. Knowledge can save you time and money, which is exactly what we like to help with.
Can I have a look and try or test out your bean bags?
The simple answer is yes you can. There’s two ways you can test out our bean bags.
Come and see us!
We can show you our range in person by getting in touch with us by calling, texting, emailing or direct messaging us through our socials, we will arrange a time for you to come visit us here in Shepparton.
We will have bean bags ready for you to feel, admire, have a seat in and discover which style works for you.
Join us at a event near you!
Visit us at a event or local market. We do regular event & markets throughout the year where you can come and see why we use the slogan “We're the best friend for your rear end”.
Check out our events page for where we will be set up with displays ready, or like us on Facebook or follow our Instagram for updates on where and when we will be at a market.
How much weight can the Water Lounger & Water Chair hold?
As people have a natural buoyancy to them, there isn’t a person we’ve found that our Water bean bags can’t hold. Also due to the fact that the Water Lounger is designed to hold you near the surface and in the water, not on it, our Water Lounger will hold you perfectly! As for the Water Chair, well if you can get on it, it will hold you. It really is that simple!
PA & DM Enterprises Pty Ltd trading as Boutique Bean Bags can not be held liable for any misuse of our products around ignition sources or failure to use our bean bags outside of their intended/designed use.